The Bridgwater and District Civic Society have completed various projects since its foundation. The following list is not comprehensive, but will give you some idea of the improvements we have made to the town over the years.
1983 Bridge Lamps
To celebrate the centenary of the opening of the present Town Bridge over the River Parrett, which occurred in 1883, the Society arranged the fitting of lanterns at each corner of the bridge structure, of a style akin to those which had previously gone missing. pics© K Dewar

2000 Docks Buoy
The Society, with the involvement of students at Bridgwater College, undertook the restoration work to a buoy, originally located to guide shipping into the port of Bridgwater. This is located at the town’s dockside, and commemorates the lifelong voluntary work for our community of Betty Dimes, member of the Society. pics © J Napthine
2004 Riverside Crane
The Society restored the Victorian riverside crane at West Quay, involving the formation of a replacement wooden jib and its complete re-assembly. pics © J Napthine & P E Cattermole
2008 Crowpill Road
There is a little street right in the middle of Bridgwater which very few people notice or know about. It hasn’t even had a street nameboard for some years, though the little brackets once holding one remained on a wall . The posties don’t visit, as there are no front doors and letterboxes in the street. But recently, the Civic Society was asked if they could re-instate a sign. With sponsorship of materials by specialist joinery firm, Redwood Joinery of Woolavington, and with the co-operation of Mr Forrester’s Dental Surgery at 10 King Square, a new roadsign has been put up.

Dr Cattermole, of the Civic Society said: “The Society is delighted to have been working with others to help remind people of Crowpill Road, the little street that links the present Castle Street with Chandos Street. Beneath it lies another relic of Bridgwater’s famous Castle – the wall that divided the inner Bailey from the outer Bailey, whose curtain wall was found at the bottom of Castle Street a few weeks ago. We’re not sure though why or when the little street became known as Crowpill Road. The name of the place Crowpill is very old – the earliest reference I can find is 1379. But this Road is not marked as such on any map before 1885. Some local residents tell us about the old painted wooden sign that once was up on the wall, but we haven’t found a photograph. With our sponsors, we’ve made a new wooden sign to fit the brackets, but this time painted it to help preserve the wood. Our volunteer, Miles Peterson, who contributed so much to the Blake 350 celebrations, has made a fine job of lettering it out in a typeface from the early 1900s. Take a look at Crowpill Road for yourselves!”.
2008 Penel Orlieu and Friarn Street Display Boards
Two display boards were put up this year. One in Friarn Street, on the gates of the Priory, the second at Penel Orlieu, on the Old Market.

2011 Blake Gardens Plaque and Information Board
The sun shone; the air was still, the tide came in: all was ready on the morning of Maundy Thursday. At 11 o’clock, the Mayor, Councillor Bill Monteith, and Society President, Derek Gibson, prepared themselves to unveil a re-instated plaque commemorating the Coronation of Edward VII, Admiral Blake, and Blake Gardens. The plaque had been newly-carved and fixed by craftsmen from Fine Memorials of Dampiet Street. After the unveiling, the Mayor said he was proud to be associated with these famous men and with the former Mayor, Alderman T W Manchip, who had caused the plaque to be erected in 1902.

The party then moved to the railings by the Library, where a new Interpretation Board had been mounted. President Derek Gibson and Councillor Mrs Jane Moreton, Chairman of Sedgemoor District Council, raised the curtain on the board. Councillor Moreton expressed her thanks and praised the spirit of co-operation which existed between the Town Council, the Civic Society and Sedgemoor DC. Civic Society member, John Stuckey, spoke about the board and history of the gardens.

The party then walked to the Museum, observing the recently repaired Summerhouse, and the well-planted flowerbeds. At the Museum, the Society’s Honorary Secretary and helpers provided all with refreshments.
2017: Castle Watergate Display Board
A display board was erected in the foyer of the White Feather Hotel which gave public access to the remains of the Watergate of Bridgwater Castle.